Velband Natural Rayon Cast Padding / Bandage 10cm x 4.5m x 12
£17.95Velband Natural Rayon Cast Padding / Bandage
Velband padding is a natural rayon fibre padding, highly absorbent, drawing moisture away from the skin. It has a unique 3 layer structure and is ideal for use in theatre where absorbent cushioning is required
Unique construction
- The KEYBAK material is a lightweight, breathable non woven fabric with a padding layer in between
- The middle natural viscose layer gives excellent absorbent properties and cushioning
Highly absorbent
- Suitable for use where bleeding may occur
- Absorbs exudate and moisture away from the skin
- Reduces the risk of skin maceration and sensitivity
Excellent cushioning
- Unique 3 layer construction provides excellent cushioning for improved patient comfort
- Reduces risk of pressure sores
- Can be sterilised for theatre use

Velband Natural Rayon Cast Padding / Bandage 10cm x 4.5m x 12